Certificate Course in Succession Planning and Management

Course Description:

This course aims to help participants design and implement an effective succession plan that will help ensure organizational sustainability. The course will be carried through lectures, plenary discussions, case study, and structured learning exercises.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  1. Articulate the importance of matching succession planning to the organization's long-term goals

  2. Identify leadership competencies for mission-critical positions needing potential successors

  3. Describe the importance of succession committees

  4. Build a plan for developing and selecting potential leaders for mission-critical positions

  5. Develop a process for managing transitions for the outgoing and incoming leaders and the employees in the team           

  6. Create an evaluation plan to measure the effectiveness of the succession plan

Course Outline:

Module 1: Aligning Succession Planning to the Organizational Goals

In this module, participants will learn the difference between replacement and succession planning. They will articulate succession planning benefits to organizational sustainability and talent engagement. Lastly, they will understand how succession planning aligns with their organization’s vision and strategy.

.Module 2: Identifying Leadership Competencies for Potential Successors

In this module, participants will learn the importance of competency-based succession planning. They will determine critical positions and the leadership competencies needed in order for the organization to achieve its vision.

Module 3: Determining Leader Potential and Readiness

In this module, participants will learn to select people who will add value in planning for critical positions. They will understand the different roles and responsibilities of the committee members. This unit will also highlight the role of the facilitator to ensure that talent review sessions will accomplish its agenda and in coaching the incumbent to provide an accurate picture for the position, and an unbiased recommendation for the potential successors.

Module 4: Developing and Selecting Leaders for Mission-Critical Positions

This module will discuss different talent management interventions to prepare talents and determine their readiness for leadership positions. This module will also discuss how to conduct a competency-based selection to ensure objectivity and fairness in the process.

Module 5: Managing Succession Transitions

This module will discuss the steps needed to effectively onboard the newly hired or promoted leader and the factors to consider in honoring the legacy and contribution of the outgoing leader. Lastly, they will learn the big part employees play in succession planning and the imperatives to minimize resistance and help transition to new leadership.

Module 6: Evaluating Effectiveness of A Succession Plan

In this module, participants will determine what optimal looks like for their organization's succession. They will then identify factors that will be their basis in evaluating the effectiveness of the succession plan, such as the number of critical positions with ready potential successors, internal placement rates, high potential employees’ attrition, etc

Synchronous Session Schedule:

  • Tuesday to Friday; 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (Onsite)

Target Participants:

  • Ideal for participants who are leaders/ decision makers and person-in-charge of creating the internal succession


  • Equivalent no. of days for the face-to-face program: 4 Days


  • Php 40,000.00 (Onsite)


No. of Days: 
4 Days (36 learning hours)
1 week

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